I'm a woman, and I don't like to shop. There. I said it. Don't get me wrong...occasionally I get in the mood and splurge on a few things, but not often. Usually, it's when I realize I'm washing the same pair of shorts over and over again because they are the only ones I have that fit right. Or the elastic has come loose in one pair of underwear too many. Of course, then I typically just hop over to Goodwill (for the shorts, not the underwear). I like that I can get shorts for under $4 and that I'm recycling clothes that somebody else didn't want anymore. Plus, when I get them all muddy--which inevitably happens--it's not such a big deal.
There are venues that I don't mind. For example, I love to go to the marathon expos. Running expos are like my Macy's. Or give me a gift certificate to Dick's Sporting Good, Endurance Sports or Gander Mountain. Those are stores I can get into. But when I walk into a Macy's (or any other department store) I feel over-whelmed and anxiety-ridden.
Today I decided to brave it--work on my phobia a bit. I have a Macy's exchange card that I have been holding onto for about three years (I'm surprised they let me use it), and a gift card I've had for over a year. Both had just been sitting there, collecting dust. Crazy right? What woman would not take over $100 in Macy's gift cards and spend them? I kept telling myself that when I got down to my ideal weight, I would go buy something nice with them. Yeah...well...who ever reaches their ideal weight?
This morning I ventured into Macy's with the thought that I needed some new running shorts (again, I've been washing the same pair over and over again). I assumed they'd have various brands (Under Armour, Nike, Champion, etc.). That way I could go to Macy's and still be in my comfort zone. Guess what? Macy's doesn't really carry running clothes. I mean, they have some cute workout clothes...but these are not clothes I would throw on to go for a run. I found one pair of Nike running shorts that cost $45. And even though I had more than that in gift cards, I just couldn't spend $45 on a small piece of black spandex. It just seemed insane (now spending $45 on a good bottle of wine that's gone in a few days--that doesn't bother me. Go figure).
So much for getting much needed new running clothes. Well I was in the store--gift cards in hand--so I decided to browse a bit. And I actually did purchase a few things. I bought running socks! Four pairs! Whoo hoo! I also bought a few shelf-bra tanks for summer (those who know me, know I live in those during the summer months--being not so well-endowed has its advantages). I also bought a really cute pair of summer jammies (Now a jammy store I could get into. I love pajamas), and a very colorful swimsuit cover-up/dress for our vacation this summer. That's progress for me! Of course, it was all on-sale because even with gift cards I go into sticker shock--I mean I do purchase the majority of my clothes at Goodwill.
My gift card still has a balance on it. Do I go back? Try again? Hmmm...maybe Mark and I will get online and look for a nice kitchen appliance.