Saturday, January 8, 2011
Life doesn't always go according to plan. Sometimes the greatest intentions just don't work out. And there is simply nothing that states you can't take a "do-over."
Tonight, for instance, my husband and I are having a New Year's Eve re-do. For our original New Year's we went to New York for three days of skiing; however, on day #1 I came down with a horrible flu and spent the next three days in bed. So tonight, it's dinner out, champagne at midnight and a re-declaration of my New Year's resolutions. (Since I spent the first week of the new year under the weather, my planned New Year's resolutions have yet to begin). But that's okay!
Rather than just give up on the resolution--figuring we're a week into the new year and I have yet to start them--I'm re-declaring them tonight. My resolutions are as follows:
1.) I will be following a fairly strict half-marathon program that I created myself (for a client). The program requires six days a week of steady exercise--both cardio and strength training.
2.) I will eat a salad at least four times a week (either for lunch or with my dinner) in order to increase my intake of raw vegetables.
3.) I will expand the garden this year, and work harder to preserve (can and freeze) the organic vegetables that come out of it
4.) I will continue to strive to eat pure (no preservatives or chemicals). I may not be perfect, but I will do my best.
5.) I will try to be more content--perhaps even happy--with my 40-year-old body, realizing that I am not in my 20s anymore.
So if you find yourself a week into 2011 and either you've already let your resolutions slide or you never started them--how about a re-do? It's not too late. Only one week has gone by. So go ahead, have your New Year's Eve all over again. Re-energize and re-motivate. Make 2011 your best year yet!
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