To start, I just need to start collecting recipes. That's where you come in! I challenge you to send me your favorite healthy recipe to be included in the Fit Life, LLC cookbook. Please include your name, city and state so you can be credited for your recipe. I will leave your actual recipe untouched; however, I may suggest healthy substitutions under your recipes if I know of any (or suggestions to lower salt, cholesterol, processed foods, etc.). If you took your recipe directly from a cookbook, please credit that cookbook when sending your recipe.

I will send either a Fit Life t-shirt or jump rope to the first 15 people who send me healthy recipes (so please be sure to email me your t-shirt size or height if you prefer a jump rope, along with your mailing address).
Recipes can be sent to: jj@thefitlife.us or you can post it as a comment to this blog. As I get more recipes I will start developing an electronic cookbook off my website.
So bring on the recipes! I can't wait to see them!
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