I'm feeling the need to address a comment I received while teaching class this morning. I don't mean for this to be a rant (even though I am a little irritated), it's meant more as an explanation.
This morning I was subbing a TRX class for another instructor. It's always a little awkward when you sub for somebody else because people get accustomed to certain instructors and tend to not like change. And all instructors teach a little differently. Even in choreographed classes like Body Pump or Zumba, each instructor's personality is bound to come out.
Class was going fine, and then after one particular move a patron (in a very snippy way) says, "Could you show me that move again? I'm not use to an instructor who does a few reps then quits!" I smiled, and showed her the move again. I then explained that at 12 classes in a week, it is not really possible for me to do every class with the patrons.
What I didn't explain is that that is not my job. My job is to show you how to do the exercise properly and safely, and then watch your form to make sure you are getting a good, injury-free workout. It's emphasized over and over again when we take continuing education classes--you are not in the class to get your workout in--you are in the class to help the patrons get their workout in.

Sometimes I do jump in, for instance, in a boot camp class when we're doing partner drills and there are an uneven number of people. I'm happy to do so. But if I did every class I teach, not only would I not be able to pay attention to your form, I would be far too tired to do my own workout and reach my own goals (sometimes it's still a slippery slope).
So when my patrons ask me, "Why aren't you doing this?" when I'm teaching a boot camp. Or, "What gear are you riding in?" when I'm teaching cycling, I try to just laugh it off and change the subject--because I'm probably not working as hard as you. I'm watching your form, timing intervals, and trying to keep you engaged in your workout. I'll do my workout later.