So I've been counting the carbs, and so far it's really working for me. But carb-counting and trying to be vegetarian is a tough order. So I'm trying to find some creative recipe to help my ploy.
This is a recipe I found on, but I modified it to my liking. Now I won't go so far as to compare an eggplant to a pizza crust, but the toppings do make you feel like you're getting a pizza treat (since pizza definitely isn't a low-carb food).
One eggplant (the fattest one you can find)
Olive oil
Low carb (low sugar) pizza sauce or marinara (We use Mama DiSalvo's for pretty much all our red sauce needs because of its low sodium count)
Some shredded mozzarella
Other toppings of choice (I went with green peppers diced very small and garlic).
Other seasonings (i.e. red pepper flakes)
Cut your eggplants into thin slices (about a 1/2 inch thick)
Brush each side with olive oil and bake them at 425 on a baking sheet for about five minutes each side.
Take them out of the oven and put a teaspoon (or so) of sauce on each one. Add your extra toppings (green peppers, red pepper flakes, garlic, etc.).
Top each round with mozzarella.
Stick them back in the oven until the cheese has melted.